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INT 10h, 06h (6) Scroll Window Up
Scrolls a specified window upward a specified number of lines.
On entry: AH 06h
AL Number of lines to scroll (if 0, clear
entire window)
BH Display attribute for blank lines
CH Row number of upper left corner
CL Column number of upper left corner
DH Row number of lower right corner
DL Column number of lower right corner
Returns: None
Registers destroyed: AX, SP, BP, SI, DI
Lines are inserted at the bottom with all lines moving up. The new
lines are filled with blank characters of a specified display
attribute (value in BH). The lines that disappear at the top of the
window are lost.
Notes: If the number of lines to scroll is specified as 0,
the entire window is filled with blanks.
Use Service 07h to scroll the window down.
This service affects only the currently active
display page.
See Also:
INT 10h, 07h
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson